how we make this work

Our Six Fundamental Principles and How We Approach Learning.


Learners are met with (and practice relating with) respect, support, and care.

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Hospitality is not to change people but to offer them space where change can take place.
Henri Nouwen

Elements of a Wellness-Centered Approach (alternately known as Trauma-Informed)

  • LLC provides Learners with a safe space and supportive adults who recognize and celebrate their gifts.
  • We learn and practice skills of generative conflict engagement like active listening, naming feelings and needs, using assertive “I” messages, offering right-sized apologies, holding boundaries, and challenging with care.
  • Educators, fellow Learners, and community partners all support Learners in building their confidence, and also developing coping strategies to help catalyze their growth and expand their sense of agency.
  • There is no coercion or disingenuous incentivizing of particular assessments or modes of instruction.
  • It is a personalized approach, grounded in a deep, relational sense of who each Learner is and what challenges they face in their lives.
  • We partner with organizations and individuals skilled in a range of healing modalities, providing Learners with a broad spectrum of support as they engage with and heal from past experiences and ongoing traumas.
  • Every interaction is utilized as an opportunity to coach Learners in furthering their resiliency and their critical capacity to make the best possible choices for themselves in each moment, given the range of options available to them.
  • Learners are nurtured with empathy and dialogue as the primary tools for engaging conflict and creating change.
  • Staff, community partners, and volunteers model this type of relating daily.

Benefits of a Wellness-Centered Approach

  • Engaging with a wellness-centered approach helps Learners to become the empowered and caring leaders of tomorrow.
  • Over time, Learners recognize that there is a vast community network committed to their wellbeing; one which can help them to identify their needs and get them met.
  • The entire environment fosters compassion, generosity, and collaboration.
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