Hi, we’re glad you’re here.

Welcome to our Liberated Learning Community (LLC), where we co-create safe, supportive, and healing environments with Learners.

Yeah, but what does that actually mean?

Well, for starters: we’re not a school. We don't have grades, tests, or homework. We aren’t standardized, and we don’t think learning should be either.

LLC invites you to choose what you want to learn and to learn it at your own pace. You can learn on your own, or, if others are interested, you can choose to learn together.

Ok, so... what kinds of things could I learn?

Anything you want. Seriously.

We’ve had Learners choose to produce music and films. Others have built community gardens. Some have designed computer programs, started their own businesses, created amazing art and so much more.

You can check out some examples of previous Learner projects here.

If you can dream it up, LLC will support you with the resources you need to make it happen.

Yeah, that sounds cool. But how does it work?

Glad you asked!

First of all, we’re a community supported by community. We work with an extensive network of organizations and community partners, with whom we've built long-lasting relationships, to support our Learners and provide opportunities, mentorship, resources and more.

You can explore more about our various Community Partners here.

But that’s not the whole answer.

In addition to our focus on learning, we’re also committed to building a community where all voices are listened to, everyone's feelings are cared for, and everyone’s needs are prioritized. Creating a safe and supportive space to learn means Learners can truly thrive.

Many of us are system-impacted, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color), queer, trans, immigrant, and/or disabled youth. A lot of facilitators in our space are former Learners who have come from similar backgrounds and are here to support.

We recognize that each person who joins us has unique experiences and challenges. With that in mind, we want to co-create an environment that prioritizes well-being, takes into account the impact of trauma, and focuses on healing.

How do you do that?

It’s a collaborative effort, and it’s led by our Learners. We invite Learners to come up with their own agreements for their shared learning spaces, respect each other’s boundaries, and ask for what they need.

This method has been tried and tested over many years of building community in our Mar Vista Gardens classroom, where we have seen many young peoples' lives and the community itself evolve and flourish.

Find out more about our history at Mar Vista Gardens here.

I think LLC might be right for me. What do I do now?

We’re excited to get to know you!

If you’re interested in growing, healing, and loving what you learn, you can head to the Join Us page for Learners, and find out the next steps to become part of the LLC Community.

I’m still thinking about it. Can I learn more before I decide?

Yes, absolutely! You can learn more about How We Make It Work here. You can learn more about Why We Need Alternative Education here.

Excited to chart your own path?
join us today
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