how we make this work

Our Six Fundamental Principles and How We Approach Learning.


Learners from all different backgrounds and identities are welcomed and centered here.

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Elements of Equity

  • Our approach is about meeting Learners where they are at and supporting them in progressing toward their goals.
  • System-impacted BIPOC, queer, trans, immigrant, and disabled youth are all welcome and centered here.
  • We are as responsive as possible to everyone’s needs.
  • We recognize and respect that not everyone needs the same thing or will go about learning in the same way.

Benefits of Equity

  • By creating a welcoming environment for all Learners, we deepen our practice of making learning truly accessible to all.
  • By centering the needs of the most impacted, we increase the likelihood that all our collective needs will be named and then addressed— creating a culture of acceptance and validation that invests all stakeholders in liberation, learning, and community.
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